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4 Steps to Ensure You Get Into the Licensed Practical Nursing Program Of Your Choice

4 Steps to Ensure You Get Into the Licensed Practical Nursing Program Of Your Choice

Want to earn a place for yourself in a reputed licensed practical nursing program? Then, get ready to work hard and put in 100% efforts! Such a program is likely to be highly competitive, meaning you will be competing against several other capable candidates for admissions. If you are determined to become an LPN, then you should follow the below tips to maximize your chances of getting into the licensed practical nursing program that you want to study:

1. Pick the Nursing School Of Your Choice As Soon As Possible

Be clear about which nursing school is it that you want to attend for your LPN training. Start looking for great schools as soon as you decide that you want to become an LPN. Define what criteria should your ideal nursing school satisfy. These criteria could include the school’s NCLEX-PN passing rate, student feedback, possibility of financial aid, etc. If location is also a criteria for you, then you may want to begin by looking for nursing schools that are nearby you. For instance, if you live in the Illinois state, you could look for a good LPN course in Chicago or a renowned LPN School in Oak Brook.

2. Work Hard on Your LPN Program Application Requirements

Once you’ve decided which school and program you want to attend, begin working on the application requirements for the same. Go over the documents that are required for the application process. There would be a bunch of requirements for different documents, like recommendation letters, college transcripts, personal essay, active nursing assistant certification, and so on. If you know exactly what all documents you’ll need to submit for admission, you can ensure that you get them all right in time.

3. Obtain Some Type of Experience Working/Volunteering in Healthcare

Even though work experience may not be an explicit requirement for admissions, it’s still a good idea for you to spend some time working or volunteering in the healthcare sector. For example, you could travel overseas to a developing country as a volunteer and assist in providing healthcare to the people there in need. If that’s not possible, then you could also work/volunteer at a local healthcare institution for a while. Any type of volunteer or work experience that you can obtain in healthcare, you should go for it, as it will help in emphasizing your interest in the healthcare field.

4. Ask Questions You Have About the School Directly from the School Itself

The process of applying to the LPN program can get a little overwhelming. You may find yourself surrounded by many questions and doubts. Therefore, it’s important that you get in touch directly with the nursing school where you’re applying, for help with all your issues. Whether it’s a question related to the documents needed for admission or any other query related to admission, contact the school either through email or phone call for the answers. This will ensure that you get the right guidance and help.

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